I don’t need Google

From all of us at SearchForecast who spend days and weeks deconstructing search engine algorithm updates by Google (from Penguin to Possum this week), thank you to the person who sent us this. I would only say that finding one that says ‘My husband knows everything’ is certainly worthy as many of our clients and co-workers are quite sure about this as well as the gentleman referring to their wives!

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The Last Emotion Technique to Reduce Exit Page Traffic

While all digital marketers focus on driving traffic to their websites and apps, content marketers pine over sticky content and engagement metrics, the retention of visitors from exit pages is relatively overlooked. Customer success managers use tools to evaluate when subscribers will churn and give them some TLC yet the simple metric of reducing exit page traffic is the first step for all digital properties to stop the exodus of unsatisfied users.

A good 404 error page design and or unsubscribe page is important as it’s often the last emotion your exiting users feel. A great example is Ozy.com down in Mountain View when I did think well of them as I unsubscribed from their daily email this morning. My after thoughts were positive of them as they did provide a lasting emotional outreach during the exit process. While all website and app visitors wont be sticky, ensuring a positive parting emotion online is a key branding requirement.


Webinar: Optimizing A Silicon Valley Unicorn Company Website

On 19th of April, Marc Phillips, Director of SearchForecast overviewed the working methodology of how ZScaler.com was optimized in a webinar. ZScaler is a unicorn technology company based in Silicon Valley having raised over $150M at a $1+ billion valuation. In 2012/2013, SearchForecast were engaged by ZScaler for 18 months to provide search engine optimization and content updates.

The original recording was corrupted on GoToWebinar.com platform. The below webinar recorded was recorded today.

Watch the Webinar on Youtube

3 to 1 for The Optimists

Our team at SearchForecast have spent hours each day over the past 20 years crunching quantitative data, looking for trend lines, inflection points or identifying patterns to uncover risk. Yet at a recent trip to the local stationary store in Menlo Park in the hub of Silicon Valley, the shop assistant said that 3 people buy the yellow smiley face ‘Emergency Affirmation’ for every one blue ‘Fail’ button.

Therein lies the underlying trend line in the world of seemingly endless bad news, optimists are 3x the pessimists.


How PPC Bounce rates can kill content optimization

It doesn’t happen often and it’s unfortunate yet high bounce rates on Pay Per Click advertising can impact on content optimization. That is, web pages optimized for keywords can be negatively impacted in organic search engine results listings if there is HIGH bounce rates from pay per click advertising.

We have experienced this on several websites in 2015. It occurs when bounce rates on Google Adwords is 95% and above. To prevent SEO and content optimization efforts being adversely affected by high bounce rates on landing pages used in Adwords, follow these best practices:

1. Do not use the home page of the website as the landing page for Google Adwords

2.  Ensure Page Speed is above 80/100 for the entire website

3. Avoid excessive code errors in HTML

Comic Speech Bubble

Start Up Growth 2x in Silicon Valley

Building a business in Silicon Valley is exciting. SearchForecast knows the start up company go to market as we are part of the acceleration of many VC backed companies which have doubled since 2009 to 2014 according to the leading venture capital firm Andressen Horowitz’s recent presentation.

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Google Wearable Tech Optimization

Having lunch last year at La Joya in Palo Alto on University Avenue, a slightly unshaven Sergey Brin and wife were lunching. He was sitting in a restaurant in the heart of Silicon Valley – the only person wearing Google Glass. They cost $1500 to $2000 to buy a pair. That was the problem why no-one bought them. That and you looked pretty silly in them.Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 12.49.06 PM



“Mobile Friendly” in Google SERPs – Mobile SEO Alert

As of this week, Google will start adding the words “mobile friendly” to the text in their search results pages on mobile devices. I’ve attached the screen shot they published of how they’ll do this. The reason SearchForecast is being so insistent with clients to  highly prioritizing their image sizings, link spacing, text font readable with no zooming, view port best practice and resizing/reordering designs is because most of our corporate lcient websites have 35% to 50% of users coming from a mobile device.

We want our clients to avoid a slump in traffic as Google will start dropping sites that aren’t friendly and mobile compliant. I’ve seen them do this before and they are ruthless. You’ve been warned.
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Facebook kills SEO

Not that there was ever really any way to optimize a Facebook page for higher rankings as you would a website on search engines like Google, Bing, etc yet its now official – Facebook has killed their version of content optimization. Thank goodness, now clients can stop pretending Facebook matters when this social channel never did drive any meaningful referral traffic to their websites. And if you don’t believe me, look inside your Google Analytics > Acquisitions > Referral > Channel > Social and see how little users as a percentage of overall traffic social media drives!

Facebook kills SEO

Facebook kills SEO