Social Networks Oxymoron

Social networks have always baffled me. I have 4 accounts on Facebook. One I have 300 friends I’ve never met. Facebook is real but the vertical ones, particularly those which are private social networks, are an oxymoron? I chuckled to myself at this bag cover on my flight to Los Angeles this morning. I know a tonne of lawyers and they don’t like to hang out with each other generally.

Oh, I’m in LA today as I was invited down to present to a room of lawyers at a lawfirm !!

Social Network Oxymoron

Social Network Oxymoron

SSL isn’t SEO

SSL Updates by Google are not about SEO. I believe Google are pushing for sites to implement a Secure Socket Layer Certification from a security perspective to protect hackers who use their browsers (Chrome) to hack sites.seo-ssl
The recent SSL announcement is a long bow drawn by SEO agencies to suggest their is another algorithm change. It really isn’t. We have worked with top clients like Skybox Security, ThreatMetrix, ZScaler to name a few. We’re all aware of the massive rise in identity theft and efforts to protect online consumers. With Google Wallet, Google Apps, etc, – Google want a more secure web period and their motivations are not about giving sites more traffic if they include an SSL, rather it’s to protect users data from being hacked.

Google Self Driving Cars – Please slow down!

I clocked the Google self driving car at 75 miles per hour earlier today on the US 101 heading South around Redwood City. The speed limit is 65 miles per hour. Please slow down! It’s not a good look and very dangerous. Ironically, earlier today, I read of the $1.2B settlement between the Justice Department and Toyota which includes an admission by Toyota that it misled American consumers about two different problems that caused cars to accelerate even as drivers tried to slow them down.

With Apple CarPlay, and a host of other vehicle IP enabled technology (think Tesla), the automotive is now a driving computer. Let’s just not forget there are humans driving on the same roads particularly when the Google self driving car speeding today was a Lexus and that if you didn’t know is a Toyota brand of car! The Lexus ES350 model was one of the cars reported as having “unintended acceleration” issues that resulted in crashes!google-self-driving-car



Now Twitter’s TV Formula makes sense!

I had the pleasure of being invited to The Chief Digital Officer Global Forum at the Rosewood Hotel on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park last week to hear Adam Bain, Chief Revenue Officer of Twitter. It was a fantastic presentation and really showed how Twitter is moving the needle for television broadcasters and advertisers.twitter-tv-200px

Adam explained how a piece of content like a TV show has greater impact when coupled with Tweets from users watching the show and simultaneously using Twitter. Put simply, Twitter is borrowing from Newton law of Force where Mass = Force X Acceleration.

It makes a ton of sense too as the further the time goes out from a piece of content (TV show) the less impact of the Force as the mass of tweets and the Acceleration decreases as less people share it. Yet, the impact of Tweets on Mass (thinking branding awareness and recall impact) is unquestionable and advertisers should be very excited and embrance Twitter for television campaigns.

Keyword Density and Content Optimization Solutions

After many years of keeping our SEO tools behind locked doors, we will be launching our  Keyword Density and Content Optimization Solution shortly.

Over the past 10 years, our methodologies, software development and proprietary logic in website content optimization has empowered hundreds of organizations globally to rank higher in search engines.

SearchForecast exists to streamline keyword discovery for website marketers and empower content contributors with editing tools to create keyword rich online content. Traditional content management systems have limited capabilities for keyword harvesting, selection, on page management – all vital in the process of search engine optimization.

Stay tuned as we’ll be launching this platform soon…. a sneak peek below.

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Google Pengun 2.0 Update – Content Tips and Content Roadmaps

images-roadBy now, most website operators know that Google update their algorithm and give it a name. On May 22, the Penguin v 2.0 algorithm update happened which targeted websites with meaningless content.

At SearchForecast, we build content roadmaps for clients. We find keywords they have not featured on their websites that not only are relevant but have traffic volumes. We then create pages of content and extend the information architecture of a website. Sometimes this is local content pages or additional pages on products and services.

Google will continue to reward websites that have quality content and as you can see from their last 4 Penguin updates,  they require website publishers to create meaningful content

Penguin 1 on April 24, 2012 (impacting ~3.1% of queries)
Penguin 2 on May 26, 2012 (impacting less than 0.1%)
Penguin 3 on October 5, 2012 (impacting ~0.3% of queries)
Penguin 4 on May 22, 2013 (impacting 2.3% of queries)

Google Authorship – Profile pictures in search results pages increases clicks

Businesses should be aware that Google has rolled out Google+ Authorship – which rewards content that has been verified using the rel=author tag related to the author’s Google+ profile. Its requires the author to verify the content they have written by placing the code on their website and then adding the website that features the content into their Google+ Profile. This is how Google knows the author wrote the content. Google then puts places the profile pictures in search results pages which increases clicks. It’s a smart way to reward authors who provide content and helps users to see which results are verified by highlighting the link with a photograph.


SearchForecast helps Virgin Gaming launch

SearchForecast is working with Virgin Gaming in identifying publishers from our AdSense Directory.


VirginGaming is a new and innovative way to bet! Based in Toronto in Canada, you can challenge opponents to online games on your PS3 and Xbox 360. Once the game is completed, Virgin’s Game Validator™  automatically verifies the match results based on each players unique PSN ID or gamertag and will update each player’s account accordingly. Tournament play follows the same steps as head-to-head matches.

Start using good lol rank boost to win a game!


Domain Owners – Tell ‘im ‘e’s dreamin’

We recently were bidding on a single word domain name and in follow on discussions with the owner I had a realization. Most domainers believe (or want to believe) that they are getting a million dollar pay day – today! Here’s some advice – Tell ‘im ‘e’s dreamin’. Over the years, I have been low balled on some of the single word domain names I registered while studying at the University of Melbourne. I have declined all of them.

There are lots of great domains available if you look at the keywords that users are searching on. In industries where advertising is very difficult. Recently, a client was looking at how to advertise in a restricted industy for adult jobs in Sydney and following a review of Google Keyword Planner, the keywords that had the most search traffic were the available domain name.

Years ago I had the pleasure of meeting the Roderick McAllery, owner of The Trading Post in Sydney – he told me his grandfather conceived the idea whilst in the battlefield trenches during World War II. Many diggers bought and sold via The Trading Post to make money.

It seems the domainers have lost that Aussie Spirit and have lofty ideas on what the true value of their largely unmonetized real estate is.