Google Mobile Algorithm Update – 21 April 2015

We have been working furiously to get our client mobile websites compliant with Google before their 21 April 2015 algorithm update. Google are ruthless on websites that don’t comply to best practice page speed, user interface and design specifications they deem as being best practice.

The correct spacing between icons, viewport font sizes, download speed and browser compatibility on all mobile versions is important to ensure the website is ‘mobile friendly’.

Read the official announcement at



Google Wearable Tech Optimization

Having lunch last year at La Joya in Palo Alto on University Avenue, a slightly unshaven Sergey Brin and wife were lunching. He was sitting in a restaurant in the heart of Silicon Valley – the only person wearing Google Glass. They cost $1500 to $2000 to buy a pair. That was the problem why no-one bought them. That and you looked pretty silly in them.Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 12.49.06 PM



“Mobile Friendly” in Google SERPs – Mobile SEO Alert

As of this week, Google will start adding the words “mobile friendly” to the text in their search results pages on mobile devices. I’ve attached the screen shot they published of how they’ll do this. The reason SearchForecast is being so insistent with clients to  highly prioritizing their image sizings, link spacing, text font readable with no zooming, view port best practice and resizing/reordering designs is because most of our corporate lcient websites have 35% to 50% of users coming from a mobile device.

We want our clients to avoid a slump in traffic as Google will start dropping sites that aren’t friendly and mobile compliant. I’ve seen them do this before and they are ruthless. You’ve been warned.
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Facebook kills SEO

Not that there was ever really any way to optimize a Facebook page for higher rankings as you would a website on search engines like Google, Bing, etc yet its now official – Facebook has killed their version of content optimization. Thank goodness, now clients can stop pretending Facebook matters when this social channel never did drive any meaningful referral traffic to their websites. And if you don’t believe me, look inside your Google Analytics > Acquisitions > Referral > Channel > Social and see how little users as a percentage of overall traffic social media drives!

Facebook kills SEO

Facebook kills SEO


Social Networks Oxymoron

Social networks have always baffled me. I have 4 accounts on Facebook. One I have 300 friends I’ve never met. Facebook is real but the vertical ones, particularly those which are private social networks, are an oxymoron? I chuckled to myself at this bag cover on my flight to Los Angeles this morning. I know a tonne of lawyers and they don’t like to hang out with each other generally.

Oh, I’m in LA today as I was invited down to present to a room of lawyers at a lawfirm !!

Social Network Oxymoron

Social Network Oxymoron

SSL isn’t SEO

SSL Updates by Google are not about SEO. I believe Google are pushing for sites to implement a Secure Socket Layer Certification from a security perspective to protect hackers who use their browsers (Chrome) to hack sites.seo-ssl
The recent SSL announcement is a long bow drawn by SEO agencies to suggest their is another algorithm change. It really isn’t. We have worked with top clients like Skybox Security, ThreatMetrix, ZScaler to name a few. We’re all aware of the massive rise in identity theft and efforts to protect online consumers. With Google Wallet, Google Apps, etc, – Google want a more secure web period and their motivations are not about giving sites more traffic if they include an SSL, rather it’s to protect users data from being hacked.

Facebook’s Strategy Now Organic Reach of Brand Posts is 2 per cent

Was at a BBQ last night here in Palo Alto and a few FB folks were there – we got to discussing the major issue swirling marketers globally that FB has dramatically changed their EdgeRank algorithm to the News Feed, which has seen organic reach of brands’ wastepage post decline to 2% or less.

One of the FB guys referred me to this official blog post.

The reality is FB are just moving to a paid platform model. FB should not be likened to Google but rather a TV network like CBS, CNN or Fox. They are all about advertising and not organic.

Basically, FB are saying investing in creating page posts for your brand is meaningless unless ad dollars are spent on FB promoting it. They want you to  think about diverting money spent on content production for FB to using the Click to Website Ads in the RHS Rail of Facebook

I’ve been consoling our clients saying not to worry too much for their under-performing Facebook Content Strategy. It was arguably people aren’t reading Facebook posts they were sharing. I’ve always been a sceptic of Facebook as an organic content platform and thanks to Facebook for confirming my long held suspicion!

Design SEO: The importance of color changes

I regularly inform clients part of the optimization of websites requires design changes from adding new colors to home pages, level 1 & 2 sections within the site, changing buttons or extending pages with content. We change design components linked to content on our clients sites no less than once a month. We like to use real life examples. Several weeks ago in New York the Empire State Building had it’s Easter colors lit up. Completed in 1931, it’s using the color technique to stand out in the crowd. Simple but effective.

Google Self Driving Cars – Please slow down!

I clocked the Google self driving car at 75 miles per hour earlier today on the US 101 heading South around Redwood City. The speed limit is 65 miles per hour. Please slow down! It’s not a good look and very dangerous. Ironically, earlier today, I read of the $1.2B settlement between the Justice Department and Toyota which includes an admission by Toyota that it misled American consumers about two different problems that caused cars to accelerate even as drivers tried to slow them down.

With Apple CarPlay, and a host of other vehicle IP enabled technology (think Tesla), the automotive is now a driving computer. Let’s just not forget there are humans driving on the same roads particularly when the Google self driving car speeding today was a Lexus and that if you didn’t know is a Toyota brand of car! The Lexus ES350 model was one of the cars reported as having “unintended acceleration” issues that resulted in crashes!google-self-driving-car