Facebook Product Catalogs by Skumatic

We have built a very interesting product called Skumatic – which automates the process of installing your product catalogs on Facebook with 1 simple click!facebook-commerce-360.jpg

Our client BrandsDirect has this app installed on http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brandsdirectcom/215196058543841 (select “Product Catalog” on the Left Hand Side menu to launch the application).

Users can click on the “Friends Advice” button and can ask a question to their social network about the product. The aim is to provide greater engagement on Facebook with product catalogs and drive sales via the “Shop Now” buttons – which takes the user back into the shopping carts on their own merchant sites.

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Google Places Pages & The DailyDeals Summit

SearchForecast is managing an increasing number of local pages on Google for clients. These “Place Pages” present fantastic images.jpgopportunities for retailers to create ‘free’ pages on Google and appear highly in targeted search listings. One of our real estate clients has over 3M impressions and 250,000 clicks in the past 9 months. That’s $500,000+ in free clicks!

Google are increasing going Local with the acquisition of Zagat.com and as Wall Street demands more ads as a percentage of their webpages to increase revenue, they’ll continue to focus on taking market share away from Yellow Pages, Yelp and other business directories.

  screen-shot-2011-09-09-at-104820-am.png On Friday, 23rd September, I’ll be moderating a panel at the DailyDealsSummit in San Francisco on the “Impact of Deals on Yellow Pages”. We’ll be discussing the deal space and even though companies like GroupOn focus primarily on local, they aren’t a natural competitor to the beleaguered Yellow Pages whose advertiser base is 3/4 service oriented businesses. Deals though seem to be an avenue for growth for the local sales force strong yellow page companies.

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Security Art and the cost of your safety

screen-shot-2011-06-20-at-91010-am.pngYesterday, I met up with some friends who know more than most about the cyber crime world. Over the past few years, SearchForecast has recommended Security-Art  to our clients.

Many businesses are feeling a bit left out when it comes to the security of their websites, especially after all the major breaches lately that affected companies such as RSA, Lockheed Martin, ADP, Sony, Nintendo, Sega and even the American CIA. Nevertheless, as businesses know what kind of impact a breach on their electronic infrastructure can have, they often fail to find the appropriate solution to even tell them at what maturity level they are security-wise.

Most of the market is filled with expensive offerings of large scales security assessments, when in a lot of cases all that is really sought after is a quick-and-dirty “how do I fare up” review. Such a review should not cost an arm and a leg, and a few clients here have already acquired such services for as low as $5,000 and managed to identify, prioritize and fix issues that were critical to their security posture, all in less than a week.

SearchForecast often asks Security-Art ( a unique provider of high-end security services) to undertake a security audit and provide recommendations. DDOS attacks, SQL injections, Flooding, Data Input Form security checks are all part of their services.

Itay Sagi can be contacted at itay.sagi@security-art.com and would be happy to provide additional details on how their security engagements area carried out.

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Lunch with Jack Ritch, Chairman of Asia Pacific Airport Corporation

It was an interesting day as 12 of San Francisco’s old brigade of expats assembled at the inaugural “The Aussie Club” lunch arranged by the Australian American Chamber of Commerce. Held in the Fountain Room at The Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill, we discussed the top issues impacting Australia. Hosted by The Honourable Nigel Warren – Consul General and Senior Trade Commissioner for Australia, the eloquent and very experienced Mr. Jack Ritch, Chairman of Asia Pacific Airport Corporation (the owner of Melbourne Airport) gave a comprehensive and insightful summary of the Australian political and business landscape.

Top issues were the lack of political leadership and for me, the issues surrounding the long term immigration and detention of what the Americans call “illegal aliens”. Particularly, I am concerned about how our international friends and business partners see our mistreatment of people who are refugees. Despite being in dialogue with our neighbours in the Asia Pacific area, there is no clear plan on how to manage this in the longer term. Politicians need to realize this is of critical importance.

Mining tax, Carbon tax and other internal political manifestations are domestic affairs that will be debated and finalized. The big issue is the modernity of the Australian brand in the international community and how to ensure that it is advanced with the fast pace of economic growth our wonderful country is achieving.


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Skumatic launched – on demand dealer & product content management

skumatic.gifSearchForecast has launched Skumatic  – a software-as-a-service publishing solution design to help publish ‘Where to Buy’ webpages that feature both local retailers information together with which products and services they stock.

View at video demo of Skumatic video demo and get a 30 day free trial.

The Skumatic solution is ideal for manufacturers or wholesales of consumer goods who sell their products through local retailers over a wide area or franchisors with a franchisee network dispersed over a wide area. Skumatic provide superior pages for ‘Find a Store’ or ‘Store Locations’ pages on existing websites as products that individual stores have can be managed efficiently.

View how Melrose Health (who sell to over 5,000 pharmacies and health stores) use http://melrosehealth.skumatic.com

Skumatic solves the problem of local search engine optimization and management by manufacturers and wholesalers of their network dealerships and franchises having brand consistency, search engine optimization and advertising campaign management tools so various promotions can be simultaneously be run across many different local sites.

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Hugh Jackman – A Superstar for Australians in America

hughjackmanapr09b.jpgI watched Hugh Jackman perform at the Curran Theatre last night in San Francisco. He is a superstar! The 2 hour show featured songs he’d performed in musicals such as Oklahoma, The Music Man, Carousel, The Boy from Oz and some of his other favourites. He told stories and showed pictures about his career.  For Australians in America, it was also special as Hugh celebrated our Aboriginal Australia and the Nomad Two Worlds initiative.

Sitting with my wife and two daughters as Hugh told stories of being in the outback near Uluru (Ayers Rock) whilst he was filming “Australia” and singing the Peter Allen song “Tenterfield Saddler“, Hugh gave a very patriotic insight to the American audience of our wonderful country. I had not heard that song since I was a small boy growing up in Melbourne. He wasn’t the only person missing Australia last night.

My wife and Anneliese waited for Hugh Jackman after the show amidst 150 others in light rain. He walked out and saw Anneliese and bent down and gave her a hug and thanked her for waiting for him. Thank you Hugh. You  connected all of us screen-shot-2011-05-15-at-14718-pm.pngback to Australia and sung Tenterfield Saddler brilliantly. Hugh showed those 2,000 people last night what a wonderful Australian ambassador he is and gave my daughter, who has lived in America most of her life, a big Australian hug that she’ll cherish for the rest of life.

You can listen to Tenterfield Saddler at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C70vT-ktUw&NR=1

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Slick interface required for venture funding

images.jpgI recently moderated a session for the Australian Chamber of Commerce on Australians in Venture Capital, together with Warren Hogarth, Tristan Langley and Spencer Maughan.

One of the interesting discussion topics was how important it is for software to be designed with aesthetic interfaces. Whilst driving home from the session held at the San Francisco Fairmont Hotel, I began to think about how software entrepreneurs today must build interfaces that are slick, polished, frictionless and all things you’d expect to see as a default application experience on any Apple device.

In the 1990s, Jürgen Schmidhuber described an algorithmic theory of beauty where aesthetically the most pleasing one is the one with the shortest description. Are we saying Twitter is beautiful or the simplicity is elegance. What is important is that VCs today expect applications to be not only disruptive in technology but the interface to be touchy, feely and beautiful in design.

Humanities in Tech: Stanford University hosts Biblio-Tech

In the past 6 months, I’ve been helping the folks at Stanford University to put together BiblioTech. From the humble beginnings during coffee conversations and lunches at the Faculty Club, the conference has gained momentum. I read articles about their being “too much tech” in the world and their is a concerned quorum who are keen on balancing our techno-terrific lives with creativity from the humanities departments.

Innovation is not only binary in computer code but comes from the meshing of arts, literature, philosophy and languages. Perhaps Biblio-Tech is a reflection on the true meaning of the global village. That said, I will be giving my views on May 11th at Stanford along with some learned and distinguished colleagues.

Learn more about the program at http://humanexperience.stanford.edu/bibliotech/program

Google Place Pages Report – Tips and Best Practices for Place Pages

picture-2.pngIf you don’t know, Google is monetizing their organic (left hand side) listings with the introduction of Place Pages. We are undertaken a lot of place page optimization and you’re welcome to download the briefs we’ve published on “Google Place Pages – Tips & Advanced Features“.

Whilst the pages are listings of information (name, address, phone, google map, opening hours, photo/youtube video upload, street view, etc), the implications for review websites can be seen in the battle Google is having with TripAdvisor. It’s clear that Google is driving revenue now. The results we see from many clients is that the Place Pages are generating more traffic than the individual website. That has massive impacts on the smaller end of the website development market.