– cloud file server we use at SearchForecast

picture-30.pngI wanted to let everyone know we use here at SearchForecast for online file sharing between employees and business partners. As we have folks in Sydney, Pune, New York, Palo Alto, we find cloud file server provides a powerful solution.

We are also using Egnyte to auto-backup our computers and network each day which is very easy to administer. Check them out at – they make the cloud with a silver lining!

Sell iphone apps on SearchForecast marketplace

picture-48.pngI went to a meet up of iphone app developers in San Francisco recently and was left speechless by the number of despondent iphone app developers having problems selling and promoting their app on the AppStore.

Being a shareholder of, I know to well how important it is and the limited opportunities for app developers to promote their iphone app or sell iphone apps they have created. Same same for Google! This is why we decided to allow iphone apps to be sold in the iphone app marketplace and hope that developers find alternative ways to buy and sell their technology.

How SearchForecast De-Anonymizing Google Anonymous URLs – interview by Shelley Ellis

picture-9.pngShelley Ellis has done a great job producing this video titled “How SearchForecast is De-Anonymizing Google Anonymous URLs“.

Shelley interviews Marc Phillips, who discusses the process of how SearchForecast can find the URLs Google is showing as “anonymous” to advertisers who target ads automatically across their Content Network of AdSense Publishers.

Play the video Now

Geodelic’s Rahul Sonnad outperforms Google and Yelp

picture-18.pngThe “best presentation I’ve head in 10 years” is how one person described it…..

At the AlwaysOn Conference, the audience were treated to a very entertaining pitch given by Rahul Sonnad, CEO & Founder of Geodelic. As you’ll see when you watch this musical riff of the journey of Geodelic vis-a-vis Facebook, Google and Yahoo! – Rahul and Geodelic have a “technodelic” look and breaking new ground in combining brands to be consumed by mobile users in an entertaining way. Even Sergey Brin, founder of Google, is shown checking out the app.

View the Geodelic – Ukele Smashing Presentation Video.

I think you’ll find it infinitely entertaining than Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman and John Hanke, a Google VP of Product Management when they were on stage at Social Currency CrunchUp last week –

Maybe Google & Yelp should start singing from the Geodelic song book !

Leave Google Alone, infinitely better business than Facebook

I just posted this comment on

Journalists should not make the mistake that Facebook is a better business than Google.

I really believe Google can increase revenues by partnering with SearchForecast to become/facilitate a marketplace to buy/sell the millions of publishers you send checks to each month. The engine room of Google is their AdSense Publishers who contributed 30+% of their revenues. This global ecosystem of publishers is the long tail which helped built Google’s dominance in the past 6 years and is a strategic asset. SearchForecast can help leverage these publishers. This is why we launched – where AdSense Publishers can sell/buy their websites.

It’s not just Google who need a future vision, it’s the publishers who need new management. To do this, many need to sell their websites and online businesses and have new people embrace their online business with new vigor and ideas.

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Reply

SearchForecast de-anonymizes URLs in Google’s Content Network with disruptive technology

I’ve been updating the senior management of the major ad networks today that SearchForecast has been “de-anonymizing” the anonymous URLs Google show on their ‘placement targeting’ within Adwords for advertisers who spend money on their Content Network.

As pictured here, we are providing to media buyers and advertisers a list of URLs which we believe are those URLs which Google run the ads on across their Content Display Network and 3rd party networks via the exchanges.


For those technically minded, our “de-anonymizing” process includes the following:

1. The first method is to basically match the numbers in the PubID string. So if for example the Pub ID is 5ca654dd9821cb84, we check for the following sequence numbers in our adsense database:

1.       654 – how many id’s match this number
2.       9821 – how many id’s match this number
3.       84 – how many id’s contain this number
4.       654 and 9821 – how many id’s contain 654 and 9821
5.       654 and 84 – how many id’s contain 654 and 84
6.       9821 and 84 – how many id’s contain both these combinations
7.       654, 9821 & 84 – how many id’s contain all of these combinations

2.       The second method is to use a standard bit encryption on our database of adsense id’s. So for example if the id is 654981, we run an encryption code sequence of 16 bit upon it. This gives us a alphanumeric character string of 16 characters. We then use the same code we used in the above example to run a combination.

3.       The third method is to do the same with an advanced bit encryption sequence
4.       Fourth method is to use an proprietary encryption sequence.

The simple fact is that advertisers are spending with Google and don’t know where their dollars are being spent. Lack of transparency leads to market inefficiency affecting advertisers and agencies. Advertisers and large media buyers are welcome to contact us for further information on how we can provide more transparency when advertising across the Google Content Network.

Live call recording of AdSense publisher outreach

picture-13.pngAt SearchForecast, we make hundreds of phone calls each week for our adnetwork clients. After qualifying their websites from within the AdSense Directory, our internal sales team call the publishers.

Listen to a Live Call Recording with an AdSense Publisher.

Insight #1: Publishers are very polite, require little information to determine whether they are interested in learning more.

Insight #2: Publishers want to earn more money and are not contacted by large adnetworks by telephone. Give up the online marketing techniques and call them!

Selling Profitable Websites, Tips for Buying Websites

picture-65.png“Buy low, sell high” is long associated with buying stocks and property but when buying a website, its important to focus on buying websites at auction that are atleast 1 year old, have at least 6 months of stable revenues and importantly has not moved hosting servers. When SearchForecast optimizes websites, we are very aware that the host IP address is an important part of the optimization equation.

We suggest people buying a website or those selling a profitable website, consider reviewing our list of website buying tips briefs as these hold insights into how to improve a website once you’ve purchased it but to also understand if the website has inherent SEO value.