155 Countries, 3859 Cities visit AdSense Directory in March 2010

Over 17,000 visitors from 155 countries viewed the SearchForecast AdSense Directory in March 2010. These visitors came from 3,859 cities! Each AdSense Publisher page includes resources to help publishers from around the world connect and learn how to increase revenues from their website.

The AdSense Community is about 7 years old and contributes over $7 Billion of  Google revenue each year.


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Spain and Brazil Target AdSense Publishers

picture-28.pngIn March 2010, over 800 visitors from Spain and 700 from Brazil visited our AdSense Directory.  The Latino/Hispanic AdSense Publishers represent a powerful force in global online publishing and offer amazingly untapped potential for adnetworks and advertisers.

With over 350,000 AdSense Publishers listed in the AdSense Directory, our mission is to help connect those publishers in one country to others – helping them increase their knowledge and network in a particular field or area of interest.

picture-29.pngTogether we can build a better world, understand more cultures, religions and make friends with our online neighbors as we share a common interest and passion – even though we may not live in the same country.

Our mission at SearchForecast is to help the online publishing community connect.

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Google Maps & AdSense Calendar Added to AdSense Directory

The AdSense Directory now features Google Maps, the AdSense Calendar & Video Tips.

By adding Google Maps to AdSense Directory Pages, it is easier for advertisers to find where the AdSense Publisher is located. Although the publisher lives in New York, the website is focused on walking tours and shopping promenades in Paris. Basing the map on the relevant keywords the publisher uses on their website provides a more accurate location in terms of keyword relevance – which helps advertisers find new website using the AdSense Directory


The AdSense Directory helps advertisers target globally orientated publishers.

We have also added the AdSense Calendar to AdSense Directory Pages it allows AdSense Publishers to stay in touch with important dates for their online publishing business. We hope these additions to the AdSense Publisher Directory will improve the experience for both publishers and advertisers.

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How the AdSense Directory Crawler Technology Works?

images-9.jpgA question many people are asking is how does Searchforecast collect all the websites in the AdSense Directory. Our proprietary crawler has been running for many years now and each day collects websites that are running AdSense. Each day, we migrate the data and de-duplicate the database, so the websites and keywords are always fresh.

Our engineers manually oversee the de-duplication ensuring the database integrity. Here’s a daily report we push around internally…

Web Crawler Report
1: De duplicate 49,000 URLs from new crawled data
2: Updated the existing URLs, Title, Description & Keywords.
3: Removed duplicates URLs, Publish /Tags URLs
4: Monitoring the Crawler Load & CPU

Existing Database Total: 3,340,234
Newly URLs: 47,191
Total After Merging URLs: 3,387,425

Using AdSense Directory for Google Managed Placements

Google Adwords Advertisers and PPC specialists have been using the SearchForecast AdSense Directory for targeting across the Google Content Network. With over 350,000 AdSense Publishers indexed by 1.2 million keywords, the AdSense Directory provides a targeting placement tool that allows websites to be identified and added to the “Managed Placements” section of the Content Network within Google Adwords.


The product originated because of the understanding I gained through Adwords professionals like David Rodnitzky from PPC Associates and Shelley Ellis who are helping clients target sites across the once blind Content Network which Google generates $7 billion a year from!

It’s worthwhile noting that “managed placement” will work only if Google gives you managed placement status. In other words, if you are running AdSense on XYZ123.com and Google has not yet identified that site as being qualified as a managed placement, the advertiser can’t target that directly via Google Adwords – but that’s not to say they can’t contact that website and deal directly with the publisher.

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Pontiflex Leverages AdSense Publishers Directory

 The good folks at Pontiflex are hard at work educating the publishing community on how to increase revenue using the cost per lead business model. That’s where advertisers pay for a completed lead resulting from a form or part thereof being completed.

Together with SearchForecast, we are working with them to identify publishers from our AdSense Directory which are best suited to increasing revenue beyond text advertising from Google.


Watch the video on Cost Per Lead Now!

Qualified leads are very important for advertisers who can pay handsomely for them. For those AdSense Publishers who are looking for extra revenue from their website without disturbing their current monthly check from Google, Pontiflex have over 100 brand advertisers who will pay you every time a visitor completes an advertiser form.

What I like about Pontiflex is their commitment to transparency and  sharing with their publishers the opportunity to select and choose the advertisers!

Be sure to ask for Leora Blumberg when you speak with Pontiflex or email her at leorab@pontiflex.com

Retargeter.com Advertises on AdSense Directory

We recently enabled Retargeter.com as an advertiser on the AdSense Publisher Directory at SearchForecast.org.

ReTargeter helps AdSense publishers by bringing traffic back to their sites. I know many marketing VPs here in Silicon Valley who use retargeting technology to build brand credibility – ads show up on premium sites all over the Internet.

Here’s how it works….. Mary visits an AdSense publisher, leaves the site and continues to surf the web. One day later she is checking her mail on Yahoo! Mail or surfing Facebook and she sees an ad for your website. Instantly she is not only impressed with the fact that the site is advertising on major premium sites (“wow they must be legitimate”) but she also clicks on the ad, returns to the site. The theory is returning visitors will convert to customers more readily.


Keyword Tagging of AdSense Publisher Directory

Each day thousands of visitors to our AdSense Publisher Directory look at the keywords which the publishers have used to describe their website.

Finding “like sites” by keywords which publishers have “tagged” their site with yields thousands of new keywords which provide insight into the intent of the publisher and therefore a contextual relevance that advertiser networks want to tap into.

Here’s a sample of Publisher Websites Featuring Relevant Keywords for Advertisers:
find, inexpensive, budget, affordable, america, fastest, cheapest, site, canada, usa, best, is, how, why, where, when, what, who, american, printer, cables, specialty, paper, ink, refill, kits, ink, refills, printer, inkjet, cartridges

With over 1.2 million keywords in our AdSense Directory, adnetworks, affiliates, publishers and technology providers can find the precise keyword that the publisher currently use on their website.

As the picture illustrates, if each publisher was a ping pong ball, the interconnectivity and overlap of keywords in the publisher universe is constantly moving.  Our crawler updates 50,000 websites per day to ensure greater targeting of relevant publishers. This will ensure advertisers have greater click through rates and better return on investment.


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AdSense Publisher Directory – Lead Gen to Legacy

Last month, we opened up our AdSense Publishers Directory to a select group of adnetworks and technology providers, including OpenX and Payoneer, who have the vision of helping us connect the community of AdSense Publishers.


I visited the New York Public Library recently. The names of  contributors who built and maintain this safehouse of literature where the public can openly access the publishers  reminded me of our vision for the  SearchForecast Publisher Directory which now holds 5+ million publisher website URLs.

In the same way as FlickR tagged photo’s – providing better descriptions from owners – we have done so for Publishing websites running Google AdSense. Each Publisher website in our Publisher Directory is “tagged” by keyword. There are 1.2 million keywords.

As we help AdNetworks find publishers via partnership lead generation program and connect publishers via our CRS Conference, we are striving to build and preserve SearchForecast.org to provide future generations with a digital roadmap of publishers and how they described and published their websites.