1 Click to generate website keywords

The first step in generating keywords to optimize website or blog content on is to harvest or collect those keywords used on the website itself and analyze the frequency of words on competitor websites. As online content is often written by multiple writers internally (product, engineers, marketing managers) and external vendors (contract copywriters, digital and PR agencies) there is often inconsistency in meaning due to different keywords describing products and solutions. keywords are varied and lack the keyword density, leading to low rankings of these pages in search engine results pages.

SearchForecast content optimization solution solves this problem by providing website owners with an easy to use tool for collecting keywords from the website. The auto crawl functionality allows website owners at a click of a button to generate the keywords used on their website, ensuring an efficient collection technique. New words added and removed from competitor websites are collected and delivered via email alerts to subscribers.

SearchForecast simple 1 click crawl feature scans and collects the website body content and meta tags. With SearchForecast, it is simple to set up a list of keywords to ignore and filter out non specific keywords during the crawl, increasing the relevancy of the collection process.

These keywords are the basis upon which to build an expanded list of keywords and a solid foundation for the search engine optimization process.

Ideas are not found, they are mined from advanced quantitative analytics filtering, created through words, inspired by sharing and captured through collaboration.